I have my bachelors already.
So why on EARTH would I want another one? Why would I not try to get my masters- or something of the sort? What am I thinking?
Well, here is the deal. I feel like my first attempt at college, I got off easy. I didn't really even hardly try, and I graduated with a 3.4842 Career GPA. Okay, so maybe right now I am tooting my own horn. This is entirely possible. But, it goes deeper than that.
To be honest, I have not had to try for MUCH in my life. I have been LAZY and people have thought I was working hard. I was BORED at Midway.
My major was Equine Business (you know, feed stores, tack stores, transportation companies, etc.), which, to be honest, seemed like kind of an afterthought. It was as if they looked at all of their classes and said, HEY! We could make a major out of this! Let's confuse the crap out of people, though, and NOT make any classes that combine the two.
Looking back, this would have been oh so easy. But, this could not be done- for whatever reason. I think that, partially, the equine staff was FAR overworked. I cannot blame them- but I do blame the administration whole heatedly.
Also, I realized my final semester- during my internship- that I never wanted anything whatsoever to do with sitting in an office staring at a computer screen. That future is not for me. It works beautifully for some people, and some people can tolerate it. Not me. I have to constantly be moving to be happy.
So, after spending the last year staring at a computer screen, wanting to break it by pounding my head into it, I decided to just go for it. Go back to school, do what I really WANT to do. So, I will graduate in May 2014 with a second bachelor's in Equine Business Management (Yes, different. This is actually hands on. Managing actual HORSES rather than inventory) and an associate in Equestrian Studies, emphasis in Western Riding. I doubt if I will go to graduation, I more just wanted the courses, to get a deeper view into the equine industry. I feel like I have begun to get that.
So, what am I going to do with my life?
What a loaded question!
1. I want to train a horse of some variety. Could be anything from reiners to dressage horses, perhaps pleasure horses or barrel racers. Heck, maybe I'll get back into jumping, or into endurance riding. I have several people who I could spend a few years working for, to learn the ropes. Maybe on the side I could get into equine transportation or something of the like. OR become a doula!
2. I am very passionate about natural child birth and breastfeeding. I do believe that both are the best options for baby, after thoroughly doing my research and seeing the results of doing it vs. not doing it. So, I figure, why not at some point, become a doula, and possibly eventually a midwife. Perhaps I could even do some lactation counseling as well.
3. Back to the horses! I would love to breed them one of these days. Probably, I would try to preserve GOOD quarter horses by doing this. I wouldn't do it so much to make money.
4. I would love to own a campground. It just seems so darn peaceful, that helping people enjoy themselves thing.
5. Back to the horses, once again. I would love to rescue horses- specifically, horses from the track- or any other under par type conditions. You know, the ones who might otherwise take a one- way ticket with the kill buyer.
6. And I would love to start a equine therapy program- preferably for drug and/or alcohol addicted youth- and I may not stop with youth! I believe that it would be beautiful to give back to the 12- step program that saved my life.
7. I want to write. I love it. There is something that is therapeutic and calming about it. Perhaps I would write novels, or maybe just pieces for equine and parenting magazines.
So....where on earth do I start?!?!?!?
Well, I am going back to college so that I can do what I did not the first time, to LEARN how to survive in my industry, what can make me indisposable.
People in my riding classes treat me like shit. Not the instructors- they are pretty cool. But basically everyone else is rude and condescending. Sometimes, I let it get me down, but for the most part, I am 23- and there to learn. Nothing else. So if you are in my riding class, are rude to me, and are reading this, know that. I am not there to impress you, and what I do is not your business. I am there to learn.
I do not take my ego with me around horses. I learned not to do that the hard way. I don't feel a need to run them into the ground to prove that I can. I am there to learn from world class instructors- and I do! Man, the freshman class at Findlay is ten times harder than the entire riding curriculum at Midway. I say that because it is the truth, not to hurt anyone's feelings. I LOVE it!
So, on I will go!
And I will leave the reader with this:
"And will you succeed?
You will indeed!
(98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)"
~ Dr. Seuss