I have decided to go into nursing. My focus will most likely be neonatal, although I may do some midwifery and OB nursing, once I specialize. I will definitely also get my lactation consultant certificate, and will become a Nurse Practitioner as soon as I am able-- in one form or another. My goal is also to teach college, specifically, future nurses. I want to encourage nurses who think outside the box, think critically- ones who are not machines, as I feel nursing has become, and the proof lies with the way I was treated during Kiley's birth.
I just finished my STNA training, and that class helped me to see this is truly the field where I belong! I love the location, too. The pay won't be the best I could have gotten, but the environment and the hours were what really drew me to it!

I will be starting at Governor's Village here in the next few weeks. I look forward to helping people live as well as they can the last few years of their lives in Assisted Living. I also started the prerequisites for nursing school at Lakeland Community College, so I am fully immersed in this world. It feels right.
Kiley is 3.5 and every bit of 3. She says funny new things daily. Love her heart! She asked me the other day who is going to hang out with her while I work! She also asked me if she can help with the baby when I have another one. She also tries to help me cook and clean. Such a big helper! I could not have asked for a better child.
I am looking forward to see what our future holds!
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